Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Morphing Tutorial Evolusi Hewan ala Photoshop

Next Step - Steps:

1. Download 2 Picture :
gajah indonesia
Picture elephant Indonesia

Figure Lizard America

Download File The training both here

2. Open both images in Photoshop, try to follow this tutorial you have mastered the basic fundamentals of photoshop, if not please learn basic Photoshop Photoshop Basics first in category

3. Now we selected the elephant's head and then we move into the picture the lizard
The trick: use the pen tool, make a point - the point selected on the head of an elephant for a more detailed look at this tutorial SELECTION WITH THE PEN TOOL
the result:

Then after connecting the line selection, right-click on the canvas (elephant head) and then select Make Selection Select a Feather Radius: 2, Anti-Alias ​​checkbox, click OK, and you've got the elephant head selection. Next use the Move Tool to move the elephants to Figure Lizard Head

3. After moving to the head of an elephant lizard head shots, then the layer palette Right-click the Layer 1 and select Convert to Smart O

This would help to maintain image quality when we cut

4. Now it's time that the Head of the Elephant coloring looks similar color to The Lizard (not the Kancil loh, wkwkwk)
how to hold down the ALT key on keybord then select hue / saturation

Then set up a green look, here using this arrangement


5. Create a new layer by pressing CTRL + Shift + N
Name the Skin


Ok Now Time Cloning ... Yuhui .... in the skin layer
Ensure that Select All to quickly Layer
How Cloning is here (let the newbies do not get confused) hehehe ... and I also do not need to explain the length x width = area
This is the most difficult, use your imagination, and begin to clone body parts from The Lizard to the head of the elephant, a broom with a heart - the heart and soulful, to cheat can see the picture below

ear is a bit sketchy, the head ubun2 given scales and avoiding eye area

6. Well as we have seen, porters from lizards some shiny some are not, then use the Burn Tool and Dodge Tool to edit
Tutorial is here Whiten Skin Color In Pictures (busyet loads gan who studied?'s Why we have mastered the basics of photoshop, tetep spirit ok)

7. The last step is, create a new layer by pressing CTRL + Shift + N
Give the name of Camouflage, Fill with Color Green (# 336 600) and set Blending mode: Overlay,
Opacity: 31%
hewan aneh
Be lizard-headed elephant, not magic is not magic just use Photoshop, wkwkwk ...
I hope the visitors loyal ilmugrafis understand the details of which I have to say, more or less sincerely apologize
thank you
Hopefully Helpful

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