Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe Dreamweaver (formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a proprietary web development application originally created by Macromedia. It is now developed by Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.[1]
Adobe Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems.
Following Adobe's acquisition of the Macromedia product suite, releases of Dreamweaver subsequent to version 8.0 have been more compliant with W3C standards. Recent versions have improved support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP (ASP JavaScript, ASP VBScript, ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET VB), ColdFusion, Scriptlet, and PHP.[2]


Dreamweaver can use third-party "Extensions" to extend core functionality of the application, which any web developer can write (largely in HTML and JavaScript). Dreamweaver is supported by a large community of extension developers who make extensions available (both commercial and free) for most web development tasks from simple rollover effects to full-featured shopping carts.
Dreamweaver, like other HTML editors, edits files locally then uploads them to the remote web server using FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV. Dreamweaver CS4 now supports the Subversion (SVN) version control system.

Syntax highlighting

As of version 5, Dreamweaver supports syntax highlighting for the following languages out of the box:

Function Corel Draw

Function Corel Draw

Corel Draw is a computer program that serves to edit / create a graphic design. Corel Corel Draw is a site owned by the company at (
Corel Draw has been doing updates, Corel Draw X5 version of the most recent date, Corel Draw software increasingly refined as a program designed to create a, design logos, illustrations and much more functionality.
This is a little review about Corel Draw are familiar ears of the user computer.

Corel Draw

Corel Draw is a vector graphics editor created by Corel, a software company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The latest version, called the X5 version 15 released on February 23, 2008. Corel Draw was originally developed to run on the operating system Windows 2000 and newer. Corel Draw versions for Linux and Mac OS ever developed, but was discontinued due to low sales levels.
CorelDRAW X5 version has a new look and several new applications that did not exist in previous versions of CorelDRAW. Some recent applications that exist, including Quick Start, Table, Smart Drawing Tool, Save as Template, and so forth.

Corel Draw Basic Amenities

Quick Start

First time CorelDRAW software is activated, the system will display a dialog box welcome. In this dialog box, pieces that can be activated process, namely  
  •    Quick start: this application can help to simplify preparing space design new graphics or graphic design changes have been made previously.
  •     what's new: applications that inform the new facilities provided by the software CorelDRAW X4.
  •    learning tools: tools that facilitate user learning CorelDRAW software facilities provided.
  •      gallery: gallery used to visit the CorelDRAW user community. On the site there are a variety of graphic design professionals who use the software CorelDRAW.
  •      updates: application used to visit the official website CorelDRAW software for various purposes. One of them, which is to update the system model CorelDRAW


Hints are on the right side of the system's main dialog box. This facility provides a clue what and how to process an object image / text.

menu Bar

The menu bar is at the top of the main dialog box system. CorelDRAW X4 menu system using the standard Windows operating system is very easy usage.

Standard Toolbar

Standard toolbar located below the menu bar. On the standard toolbar, put a symbol of the system quickly. For example, there are symbols like the folder to open a CorelDRAW graphics data.

property Bar

Property bar is an additional facility that appears after selecting one of the tools in the toolbox facility. The aim is to facilitate the use of the selected tool toolbox facility. Property bar is typically below the standard toolbar ..


Toolbox is usually located at the far left. The system put sebagim crease mark on the right side of the bottom of the toolbox that has subalat facilities. To display a list subalat can be done by clicking and holding the symbol bersangkutan.Jika tools we'll go into corel error was usa h diulangulang go-go on, let me toolbok error, uncharacteristically strange toolbar. 

Status Bar

The system put various information contained in the status bar at the bottom of the main dialog box. Such information regarding the object image / text and / or process equipment selected.

Color Palette

Color palette or color box located at the far right of the main dialog box. To give color to the object image / text simply click as usual. Meanwhile, to give color to the line, right-click on the selected color in the color box.

dialog Box

CorelDRAW system will put a selection of the complex processes of the facility in a dialog box. Relevant facilities can be arranged through the dialog box. For example, changing the format of image objects from vector to bitmap via bitmaps menu submenu convert to bitmap.


System dialog box put the number of facilities that (perceived) often used in fixed form on the right side of the dialog box. The format is called a docker. This facility buffer displayed via submenus docker window menu.

Fixed / Floating Toolbar

One of the privileges of the system CorelDRAW X4, the facility toolbox color box, menu bar, standard toolbar, and / or the property bar that can be dragged and placed in any location. [1]

Basic Operations

line objects

In CorelDRAW X4 system, objects can be formed through a curve line tool toolbox available at the facility. The curve tool subalat on amenities such as:
  •      freehand tool: This tool is used to form a variety of straight lines or irregular lines.
  •      bezier tool: This tool is used to form a variety of straight lines and irregular lines simultaneously.
  •      artistic media tool: This tool is used to form various objects of artistic lines. In determining the form of artistic line, use the symbol on the left side of the facility property bar, and select the configuration specifications on the right side.
  •      pen tool: use the pen tool is almost similar to the use of bezier tool.
  •      Polyline tool: use the polyline tool similar to the freehand tool.
  •      3 point curve tool: This tool is used to form a circular line easily and quickly.
  •      connector tool: This tool is used to connect multiple object images. For instance, form a line connecting the flow diagram.
  •      dimension tool: This tool is used to form the outline dimensions of vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and so on. To form the line-dimensional horizontal / vertical automatically, use the auto symbol aimension tool located on the left side of the facility property bar when the tool is active.


Brochures, pamphlets, or booklets are not periodical publications which may consist of one to a small number of pages, not associated with other publications, and was completed in a single rose. Page is often used as one (among others by stapler, string, or wire), usually has a cover, but do not use loud volumes. According to the UNESCO definition, the brochure is not periodical publications that are not bound hard, complete (in one issue), have at least 5 pages but no more than 48 pages, beyond the calculation of the cover. [1]
In Britain from the 16th century until the 18th century, the term used for a summary pamphlet controversial treatise on actual topics, usually related to religion or politics. [1]

Form and content

When one page, brochure or pamphlet is generally printed on both sides, and folded with a crease pattern to form a panel specified separately. The pamphlet that consists of only one sheet / page is often called flyers (English: leaflet, flier, or flyer). In addition, a brochure containing information about the product referred to as product catalogs or often simply called the catalog.
Brochure or pamphlet containing information or clarification about a product, service, public facilities, company profiles, school, or intended as a means to advertise. The information in the brochure written in a concise, easily understood and intended in a short time. Copies are also designed to attract attention, and printed on good paper in an effort to establish a good image of the service or product.
Booklet often has a cover, title page, bound, and has a lot more pages than pamphlets. The shape often look like small books. Unlike a brochure or pamphlet, booklet, not a means of advertising directly.
A number of consumer products such as electronic goods, often include a booklet containing the specification or explanation of how to use the product. The booklet that accompanies electronic items sometimes have a number of pages that a lot and not to be read out in one shot. Recordings, such as tapes or CDs often include a booklet containing lyrics, photos, and the names of supporting artists.

Hopefully Useful ... :)

Function Adobe Flash Player

Function Adobe Flash Player

Flash Player
Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player, is a small software which is very useful, especially for internet browsing. By using Adobe Flash Player, then we can play the file with the. Swf and. Flv which is disebuah website or blog.

Adobe Flash Player can be useful for:

  •      Play video on sites such a YouTube video sharring.
  •      Play a song or Mp3 with its embed code.
  •      Plays Online TV Streaming
  •      Chatting on networking sites such as Facebook and Yahoo Mail.

Understanding Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) is a computer software which is the flagship product of Adobe Systems. Adobe Flash is used to create vector images and animated images. Files generated by this software has a file extension. Swf and can be played in a web browser that has been fitted with Adobe Flash Player. Flash uses a programming language called ActionScript which first appeared in Flash 5.

Before 2005, released by Macromedia Flash. Flash 1.0 was launched in 1996 after buying Macromedia vector animation program called FutureSplash. The final version, which was launched on the market under the name of 'Macromedia' is Macromedia Flash 8. On December 3, 2005 Adobe Systems acquired Macromedia and its products, so the name changed to Adobe Flash Macromedia Flash.Adobe Flash is a program designed by Adobe and application programs to professional standard authoring tool used to create animations and bitmaps that are very attractive for the purposes of web site development, interactive and dynamic. Flash is designed with the ability to create two-dimensional animations that are reliable and lightweight so flash is widely used to build and promote a website animation, interactive CDs and more. Also this application can also be used to create animated logos, movie, game, making navigation on websites, animated buttons, banners, menus, interactive form fields, e-cards, screen savers and making other web applications.

 In Flash, there are techniques to create animations, all action scripts, filters, custom easing, and can include a full video with FLV playback facilities. 
 Advantages possessed by this Flash is he was able to be a good bit of programming code that runs itself to set the animation in it or used to communicate with other programs such as HTML, PHP, and Database XML approach, can be collaborated with the web, because it has advantages such Another small output file sizeMovie-movie Flash has a small file size and screen size can be adjusted to keingginan. Application Flash is an animation designing industry standard web applications with increased regulation and expansion of better integration capabilities.
 Many fiture-fiture new in Flash that can enhance creativity in the creation of rich media contents by exploiting the ability of the application to the fullest. Fiture-fiture recently helped us focus more on the design are made quickly, instead of focusing on how to work and use the application. Flash can also be used to rapidly develop web applications with rich advanced scripting. In the application are also available a tool to debug the script. 
 By using Code hint to simplify and accelerate the creation and development of ActionScript contents automatically. To understand the security of Adobe Flash can be seen from several points of view, based on multiple sources of reference that no striking differences between HTML and JavaScript which there are many tools that can be extracted from SWF include ActionScript. So the code data can be secured. Therefore, all of the data requirements contained in the SWF can be taken back by the server. The advantage of using the same method using a standard web application is secure and will mengamankanpenyimpanan and displacement data.

Mengenal Adobe Illustrator

Once you know what is a vector design, and a bit about the basics of graphic design, then the next thing you must master is technical ability. What is meant by the technical ability here is the ability to use a graphic design program accordingly so that you can visualize ideas and creativity in a work.

Since we are talking about vector designs, the program / ​​software that must be mastered is a vector design software, or commonly called illustration software. The author deliberately picked one illustration software that suits your needs, namely Adobe Illustrator, among a variety of similar software on the market

Why Adobe Illustrator?

  • If you are wondering why the author chose as Adobe Illustrator illustration software that must be mastered, it is not separated from the facts about the program output software giant itself. Some of the reasons are:
  •      Adobe Illustrator has long been recognized as an illustration software world's No. 1 choice on the designer and professional design practitioners.
  •      Adobe Illustrator has the capabilities, features and amenities that can be relied upon to realize your creative work.
  •      Adobe Illustrator is compatible with a variety of software for various purposes other end, as the interests of printing, desktop publishing, web publishing, and others.
  •      Adobe Illustrator is user friendly, which is very easy for the user to use and access a variety of features, especially with the grouping system facilities through the facilities of the menu, toolbox, palette and so on.
  •      Adobe Illustrator is capable of handling a variety of designs from the simple to the very complex nature, and to be able to export the final results of a design into a variety of formats to suit your needs with quality dependable.

Especially for the work of this book, the authors use Adobe Illustrator CS (Creative Suite), or often called Adobe Illustrator 11. It now has available the latest release Illustrator, ie Adobe Illustrator CS2, but due consideration of the needs of computer resources that are too large, especially for novice users, the authors chose the previous release.

But do not worry, you can just use this latest release is possible if only because there are so many changes in the second release. Or even, if you are still using earlier versions of Illustrator, Adobe Illustrator 10 down was not so matter. Although there are some facilities that exist only in CS and CS2 versions.

Interface Adobe Illustrator CS

To be able to use this program, you must first look at the interface (UI) program. Interface is similar to Adobe Illustrator CS interface Adoeb other programs, the grouping facility and clearly structured. As well as the main focus on the work area in the middle.
Such interface type is expected to provide convenience to its users to focus on the work being done. Even for those who are beginners, Adobe Illustrator CS interface will be very helpful.

Note the Adobe Illustrator program interface as shown in Figure 2.1. below carefully.
Gambar 2.1. Interface Adobe Illustrator CS
Gambar 2.1. Interface Adobe Illustrator CS
Broadly speaking, the interface (interface) Illustrator CS is divided into four (4) major sections, namely:


Menu encapsulates everything Illustrator CS facility owned by a collection of commands in the drop-down menu that is located at the very top of the program window. Command menus are organized by similarity of function, such as the File menu contains a set of commands associated with the document settings, such as working document creation, storage, export and import files and so on.

Use this menu to access the facility diverse Illustrator CS major facility as shown in Figure 2.2.
Gambar 2.2. Fasilitas Menu Illustrator CS
Gambar 2.2. Fasilitas Menu Illustrator CS
If you notice, in some of the menu there is a submenu commands. This means that in the menu there are additional menus that you can access. Usually these menus marked with a black triangle on the right end.

In addition, there are other types of menus, the menu ends with 3 (three) marks the point, such as at the open on top. Signs point like this show that there is a choice on the menu is an additional parameter values ​​that you must specify that Illustrator CS can do a command correctly.

For instance, if you select File> Open, then an Open dialog box will appear, where through this dialog box you are asked to choose which files the document will be opened. See Figure 2.3.
Gambar 2.3. Kotak dialog Open untuk memilih file yang akan dibuka
Figure 2.3. Open dialog box to select the file to be opened


Toolbox by default (floating) on the left side of the program window Illustrator CS a collection of tools (tool) that you use to create or edit an object illustration. Illustrator CS equips you with a variety of tools with a variety of functions as well.

You can move through the toolbox is in any part of the program window Illustrator CS. This allows you to get a wider workspace while working. It is obvious from this toolbox is the new logo Illustrator CS in the form of an illustration pink flowers on the top of the toolbox.
The interesting thing is, if you press the keyboard "VENUS", then the image of interest into a new logo Illustrator CS will turn into a picture venus (female) who is a previous version of Illustrator logo.

Consider Figure 2.4. below.
Gambar 2.4. Toolbox Illustrator CS
Gambar 2.4. Toolbox Illustrator CS
Due to the variety of existing tools, while efficiency is not possible to show all the tools at once, then Illustrator CS hide some tools that have a similarity function under another tool. If you look at some tools there is a black triangle in the bottom right corner. It shows that under the tool are other tools that are hidden (hidden tool).

To create the tool is hidden, you just hold your mouse on the tool corresponding pressure for a while, then the tools hidden underneath will appear, as shown in the picture above.

In some tools, there is also a facility settings that you can use to create an object or editing as you wish. To make arrangements on a tool, you can simply double click (double click) tool is a dialog box will appear. For instance, double-click the Pencil tool, and you will find a Pencil Tool Preferences dialog box appears as shown in Figure 2.5.
Gambar 2.5. Kotak dialog Pencil Tool Preferences
Figure 2.5. Pencil Tool Preferences dialog box

Definition 3D Max

3D Studio Max or 3ds Max or just MAX software is a 3-dimensional vector graphics and animation, written by Autodesk Media & Entertainment (formerly known as Discreet and Kinetix). The software was developed from its predecessor 3D Studio for DOS, but for the Win32 platform. Kinetix later joined the recent acquisition of Autodesk, Discreet Logic. The latest version can be found in 3Ds Max

3ds Max is one of the software packages are most widely used today, because of several reasons such as the use of the Microsoft Windows platform, the versatile editing capabilities, and a plugin architecture that much.

Modelling methods

There are 5 basic modeling methods:
Modeling with primitives
NURMS (subdivision surfaces)
Surface tool
polygon modeling
Modeling with primitive

This is a basic method, in which one shape model using lots of boxes, balls, "cone", cylinders, and other objects that have been provided. A person can also apply boolean operations, including reduction, cutting, and merging. For example, one can make two balls can work as a Blob to be fused. It is called "balloon modeling".
mental Ray

Mental Ray is a rendering engine (engine to render the image or video) contained in the program 3D Studio Max, in addition to the standard max render the "Default Scanline". Mental Ray with integrated 3D Studio Max so no need to install it separately. Mental ray has several advantages that can calculate the effect of Global Illumination and Indirect Illumination, but it can also use the image on the surface shader or light. Render engine other than Mental Ray is the V-Ray, Brazil R / S, Maxwell Render, Final Render, and so on. All the rendering engine has the advantages of each.

Source: Wikipedia



3D Studio Max or commonly known as 3D Max is a software (freeware) to create a 3-dimensional vector graphics and animations. written by Autodesk Media & Entertainment, formerly known as Discreet and Kinetix. 3D Studio Max developed from its predecessor 3D Studio for DOS, but for the Win32 platform.

Kinetix later joined the recent acquisition of Autodesk, Discreet Logic. That was until now the author of this article makes is the latest version of 3D Studio Max 9. The many uses of graphic design software used to create an animated film, the architecture of the house, or make a company logo.

Manipulasi Dari Foto Menjadi Teks

1. Run the program Photoshop, open an image file that would dijadiin object. (Press CTRL + O)
Examples of image files would I object


2. Klik menu Edit -> Define Pattern. . .

3. It would appear Pattern Name dialog box, name it according to your taste, Klik OK

4. Create a new file with the same size image rich object created earlier loe (Press CTRL + N, adjust size, click OK)


5. Klik  Horizontal Type Tool (T)

6. Write up your text on a canvas full of origin, only suggestion I better wear Font Arial Black, Keep the Line Spacingnya not too tenuous, how: Click the icon Toogle the Character and Pallets

Then set according to the following picture

Close the window, then the result is more or less like this


7. Click on Add a layer style icon that is on the Layers tab select Pattern Overlay

8. Layer Style window will appear, click the inverted triangle in the image on the right paper Pattern, select the image of the object that you'd make a pattern, if  Ague title "cool.jpg", then click ok.


9. Click OK, (Do not forget to set the picture scalenya'll fit), if you've more or less fit the results would be like this
Efek Foto ke Teks

Thank you,
Hopefully Helpful

Efek Foto Sketsa Artistik

1. Open your Photoshop program, and insert images (CTRL + O and then select the image file) that will be the effect of Artistic Skect
Here I used a photo named Nina Dobrev foreign artists that can be found on google or save as image below for training

Nina Dobrev
(how to save as image: right-click the image, select save picture)

2. Duplicate the layer so we have 2 layers (background and layer 1)
to duplicate the layer press CTRL + J


3. Add Skect effect on layer 1
How: on the main menu go to Filter> Artistic> Colored Pencil, to use these parameters:


Layer 1 to change the mode mode: Soft Light. If you step correctly it will produce an image like this:

4. Click the Selection Tool, change feathernya be 20px
for beginners just use the polygonal lasso tool and create a selection box like this

if the first and last point of the meeting will result in the selection indicated by the dashed lines
To learn more about this article please go to selection: Selection - Select - Deselect - Inverse in Photoshop

After successfully selecting then press the [del] key on the keyboard, and the result is something like this ... :)

Sketch Artistic
Thank you, I'll see you again on the other Photo Effects
May be useful

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