llustrator Vector seperti yang saya janjikan, saya akan memberikan
tutorial bagaimana mengubah foto menjadi lukisan kartun atau vektor
image yang biasa disebut tracing foto or image...Kali ini saya akan menTracing Foto Luna maya yang bisa di download di sini atau bisa dicari di Uncle Google
Klik kanan - Save Image As...
Ingat Tracing butuh kesabaran tinggi jadi... ya butuh waktu yang tidak sebentar... jadi siapin makan and minum di dekat anda serta mainkan music favorite anda...
1. Buka aplikasi Adobe ILLUSTRATOR - New
2. Tempatkan gambar pada lembar kerja
File > Place > pilih objek lalu OK
3. Buat gambar pada layer 1 menjadi mode transparan
Klik kiri 2x pada layer 1
Setting seperti ini
4. Buat Layer baru
5. Ubah ke Outline mode dengan menekan tombol CTRL pada keyboard dan klik kiri pada gambar mata di jendela Layers
Shortcut yang berguna:
- Ctrl+[ = Send Backward (Mengirim obyek ke belakang 1 langkah/lapisan)
- Ctrl+] = Bring Forward (Mengirim obyek ke depan 1 langkah/lapisan )
- Ctrl+Shift+[ = Send to Back (Mengirim obyek ke bagian paling belakang lapisan )
- Ctrl+Shift+] = Bring to Front (Mengirim obyek ke bagian paling depan lapisan)
Gambar kepala dan rambut dahulu
Kamudian Hidung dan alis, mata, bibir lalu badan
Kemudian tinggal memberi Warna, untuk melihat hasilnya kembali ke mode normal jadi klik ladi mata di jendela layer sambil menekan tombol CTRL
7. Gunalkan Gradient Tool untuk membuat warna lebih hidup
Sebelum dan Sesudah di Tracing...
Hasilnya seperti di atas... Namun bisa dimaksimalkan lagi dengan menambahkan gradient background...
Luna Maya ;-P in Tracing Design
. Place a photo
First place a photo in Layer 1 by File > Place or Copy & Paste from clip board. Double click on Layer 1 to change the Layer Options. Set Dim Images to: 30% and lock layer.2. Start tracing
Make a new layer (Layer 2). Hold down Ctrl key and click on the eye icon of Layer 2 to view Layer 2 in Outline mode.These shortcuts are:
- Ctrl+[ = Send Backward (This will send object back 1 step)
- Ctrl+] = Bring Forward (This will bring object front 1 step)
- Ctrl+Shift+[ = Send to Back (This will send object all the way to the back)
- Ctrl+Shift+] = Bring to Front (This will bring object all the way to the front)
- Ctrl+F = Paste in Front (This will paste object in front with same position)
3. Make shadow
Draw a new path as shown (top). Then Copy the base path of the face and Paste in Front. Select the copied base path and the new path, open your Pathfinder, Alt-click on Intersect shape areas.4. Fill in base color
Now fill in the base color for the face, eye, lips, and eyebrow.5. Shadow gradient
Fill the shadow path of the face with a Gradient (white-skin tone) and select Multiply for Blending Mode.6. Body
Use the same technique, copy the gradient fill for the body. Note you might to adjust the gradient of each shadow path to blend in with the overall illustration.7. Hair
Pretty much the same, fill 1 path with the gradient, then use the Eyedropper Tool to copy the fill.8. Shirt
Same technique as the previous steps.9. Skirt
Fill the skirt with a blue gradient, then use the Eyedropper Tool to copy the fill for the shadow.10. Hair details
Now you can add more details to the hair. Make shadow effect by adding Multiply paths. Add some highlights by using lighter gradient color. If you want, you can add more details to the clothes, lips, or add a cool tattoo on her body.Final
After you get used to this tracing technique, you can basically trace anything!
Membuat Neon Sign
Publish: 08 Desember 2008 | Author & Copyright: Aditya, ST | FREE tutorial | 3DS MAX 7
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